Review: The Big Bath House

The Big Bath House by Kyo Maclear; illustrated by Gracey Zhang

Random House Children’s Books; 2021 (Ages 4-8)

Guest Blogger Marsha Weiner shares an insightful book review and related Age Positive activity for children. Many thanks Marsha!

Traditions bind us together. Whether great or small traditions present children with opportunities to observe the older adults in their lives as they begin to absorb patterns which form their own behavior.

Consider even the idiosyncratic “private” jokes hatched amongst family members, friends or with colleagues to consecrate shared experiences, as well as the ritualized civic and religious events people participate in throughout a year.

The Big Bath House highlights family traditions in Japan as observed by a child. It’s delightfully presented and informs a positive, realistic image of older relatives.

Art by Gracey Zhang

You may not be familiar with the Japanese Bath House. It’s a communal experience of cleaning and relaxing in steamy hot water, with friends, neighbors and family, while unashamedly nude. (Women and men used to take to the baths together, now most baths are segregated by gender.)

In the story a young girl travels with her mother to visit the mother’s birthplace in Japan. All the characters are female; the young girl, her mother, the girl’s baachan, (grandmother short for Oba-chan) and the girl’s aunties and cousins.

Art by Gracey Zhang

Western shoes are exchanged for geta (a Japanese wooden sandal), and western clothes are changed for yukata (a light cotton kimono worn during the summer or after a bath.)

The group goes to the bath house with smiles on their faces as if anticipating the communal relaxation they know is about to wash over them; “To the bath that is steaming. To your cousins, all beaming.”

Art by Gracey Zhang

This particular bath house is shown to be in a garden with birds and plants. The illustrations show the traditional low benches women sit on as they scrub themselves and one another, before they enter the big bath.

“You- your baachan, aunties, and cousins will slip into the big bath. A chorus of one long breath—Ahhhhh.”

Art by Gracey Zhang

It’s enviable—the comfort of being one amongst all types of bodies, all shapes and sizes reflecting the spectrum of the lifecycle. As observed by the young narrator, “Newly sprouting, gangly bodies, your saggy, shapely, jiggly bodies, your cozy, creased, ancient bodies. Beautiful bodies.” Seems so natural and healthful.

Art by Gracey Zhang

It’s not a big leap to reflect on the one of the original designated “Blue Zones” of longevity and health–Okinawa, Japan. You can learn more about the habits of the world’s longest lived people in the well-researched books of author Dan Buettner.

The research highlights habits including ikigai, the belief in a driving life force, as well as to moai, a powerful strong social network  amongst women friends. Moai is forged in childhood and maintained until death—cultivated though a lifetime of shared traditions and rituals including going to the bath house.


Enjoy some vicarious relaxation just by reading The Big Bath House.


Age Positive activities help children learn about aging, to recognize age stereotypes and to anticipate late life with joy.


In the West reams of data articulate the value of relaxation. It reduces stress, increases brain function, boost immune function and more.

Are there traditions or opportunities in your life to share with young people that cultivate relaxation in a non-judgmental environment? Different from bonding while playing a sport together, or a video game, but some healthful activity which benefits all ages across the generations. One that supports relaxing together with joy, love and peace of mind.

Find other Age Positive picture books that share relaxing traditions:

A Morning with Grandpa

Grandpa Alan’s Sugar Shack

Jingle Dancer

Berry Song

Ten Ways to Hear Snow

Betsy’s Day at the Game

Tofu Takes Time

Author Susanna Hill shares picture books at her blog  PERFECT PICTURE BOOK FRIDAY.

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One Response to Review: The Big Bath House

  1. Jilanne Hoffmann says:

    Love this book! Such a joyful experience!

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